Giorgio Linda

The Artist

Giorgio Linda

Giorgio Linda lives and works in his family's country house, where he was born in 1945.

He is an original and very personal painter. He has passed through various periods and techniques: oil, tempera and engravings and continues to do so.

The subjects of his works are inspired by reading, or by his Jewish background. “Very often, there are figures at the centre which move among the colors, now faded, now bright or almost lugubrious, in expressions which seem to show surprise, discovered in desecrating, desperate attitudes, but at the same time detached from their inner world”.

Among the past exhibitions he has held we can mention the following:

In Italy: Udine — Galleria il Ventaglio, Galleria Artespazio, Galleria CittàFiera; Gorizia — Galleria Al Chiostro; Trieste — Galleria Cartesius; Padova — Arte 92; Venezia — Galleria San Vidal; Salsomaggiore — Palazzo dei Congressi; Firenze — Chiostro di Santa Croce; Merano — Sala Czerny della Kurhaus; Zuglio — La Polse di Cougnes.

And abroad: Ottawa, Canada — International Arts Center; Lucerna, Swiss — Centro Italia; Strasbourg, France — Hotel de la Ville; Klagenfurt, Austria — Galerie Via Nova; New York, USA — ArtExpo – Jacob Javits Convention Center; Hadera, Israel — Silverstone Gallery.

Recent exhibitions: